
Tomato Fever

A new virus has emerged in Kerala causing a rare disease called the “Tomato Flu”. This disease has affected 80 children under the age of five as of May 11th, causing blisters with a tomato-like appearance. There have been at least 82 confirmed cases in Kerala, and the cause of the illness is still unclear. A 12-year-old girl died from contracting the Shigella bacterium after eating a shawarma wrap in Kasaragod.

Let’s investigate this emerging virus and its potential risks.

What is Tomato Fever?

Tomato Fever, an unknown virus, has been spotted in Kerala, India. Viruses like chikungunya and dengue may be suspected of this illness.

Tomato Fever has had an especially severe impact on the Keralan cities of Kollam, Neduvathur, Anchal, and Aryankavu. All precautions have been taken, and small-scale public awareness campaigns have been launched.

Kollam has seen all 82 cases of Tomato Fever. Each confirmed case has involved a child under the age of five and has been documented by public health organizations should be cause for concern. Because the illness primarily affects children under five, the Kerala Health Department is monitoring the situation closely.

Tomato Fever in Children: What Causes It?

Gastrointestinal illness is common in early childhood programs due to frequent diaper changes and toilet training, and children putting their hands in their mouths.

Even after symptoms subside, the virus can persist in a child’s system for weeks or months, making them still contagious. Some adults can transmit the virus without showing symptoms.

Outbreaks are common in summer and fall in temperate regions, and year-round in tropical areas. Inform your doctor of your travels.

Symptoms of Tomato Fever

There are rashes the size of tomatoes, skin irritation, and dehydration on a youngster’s tongue when suffering from tomato illness. There have been a few cases where patients have reported worms emerging from their boils, but this is extremely uncommon.

Rashes, skin irritations, and dehydration are common symptoms in children who have been infected. This causes blisters to form in various parts of the body.

Blisters that appear spherical in shape and red in colour are referred to as “tomato flu” or “tomato fever” because of their resemblance.

Even though this flu strain has only spread to a small portion of Kollam, state health officials are concerned that it could spread to other parts of the state.

Some of the following other

  • High fever
  • Pain and discomfort in the body
  • Joint oedema or swelling
  • Fatigue
  • Tomato-sized rash on the skin
  • Drug-caused mouth irritation
  • A usual discolouration is on the hands and knees
  • Some patients’ rashes blistered, and worms emerged

Tomato Flu Treatment Options

As there is currently no treatment that can reverse the effects of this illness, the only thing that can be done to help patients is to manage the symptoms. Preventive Measures Against Tomato Fever

  • As soon as you notice any of the following symptoms in your child, take him to see a doctor. Medical experts recommend that children diagnosed with this illness drink a lot of water to keep their bodies hydrated.
  • Face and neck skin should not be rubbed or scraped.
  • A person who has a contagious disease must be kept at least a few feet away from others.
  • clean environment is vital to a patient’s health.
  • Rest is vital during and after healing.
  • Sanitation of infected individuals’ personal belongings, including utensils and clothing, is essential if the flu is to be kept under control.

Tomato Fever: No Home Remedy

Avoid using over-the-counter remedies.

If you notice any of the signs or symptoms of tomato fever, you should contact your doctors right away. Red skin blisters, skin irritation, joint pain, runny nose, high fever, nausea, coughing, body aches, sneezing, diarrhoea, and exhaustion are some of the symptoms.


When to see a doctor for “Tomato Fever”? The best way to ensure your health and safety while visiting a host country is to speak with a doctor before your departure.

After returning home, if you notice any of the following symptoms, see a doctor immediately. The best course of action is to seek medical advice from an infectious disease doctor or paediatrician. Your doctor would benefit from knowing about your travels.

How to prevent the spread of tomato flu?

Avoiding close contact with an infected person is essential to reducing the risk of infection.

Where does the name “tomato fever” come from?

The name “tomato flu” comes from this blister. The blisters resemble red-wheeled tomatoes. In Kollam, it’s still growing. Medical professionals are concerned that it could quickly spread to other areas of Kerala. The disease is also referred to as Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.

Is there anything to be concerned about?

Tomato flu has suddenly appeared, but government officials have assured the public that there is no cause for alarm. Kerala has a 24-person team to monitor Anganwadi child screening.

Other states in the area are also on high alert. Despite some similarities in symptoms, the Tomato Flu is not COVID-19. Other types of viral infections can also cause these signs and symptoms. There is no need to be alarmed because the authorities have been instructed to remain high alert.

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