Tips For Keeping School-Aged Children Healthy During Covid 19

The safety of children returning to school is a major concern for parents, especially with the ongoing threat of COVID-19 and other common illnesses and viruses. Although highly effective vaccines are available, the COVID-19 strain continues to pose a risk for the spread of the pandemic. As a result, ensuring the health of your child is a top priority.

What Parents Can Do

It’s not possible to stop the spread of germs and viruses at school, but an expert has some ideas for keeping students healthy over the school year.

  1. Take Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination
  • Check-in with your doctor and get vaccinated regularly
  • Vaccinate everyone in your family, including children 12 years and older
  • Ensure your child is up to date on all vaccinations and regular doctor visits
  1. Encourage Children To Wash & Sanitize Their Hands
  • Establish the habit of frequent hand washing, especially before eating
  • Wash hands after interacting with animals, using the washroom, leaving public places, removing face masks, or after someone has coughed or sneezed
  • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers when soap and water are unavailable
  1. Face Cover With A Mask
  • Everyone in the educational setting should wear a face mask, regardless of age or vaccination status
  • Use washable and clean face masks and wash them after each use
  1. Social Distancing
  • Keep a physical distance of three feet between students
  • Keep sick children at home and seek medical attention if they show symptoms
  • Limit exposure to large gatherings and events and encourage outdoor activities with physical distancing
  1. Healthy Diet & Exercise
  • Encourage a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains
  • Provide healthy snacks instead of sugary treats
  • Encourage physical activities such as sports, biking, and walking to boost the immune system and reduce stress.
  1. Check-in on Your Child’s Mental Health
  • The pandemic can cause stress in children due to changes in routine and behavior.
  • Check your child’s mental health regularly for signs of anxiety or stress.
  • Watch for changes in sleep, eating habits, and behavior.
  • Seek advice from an expert if unsure about your child’s mental health.
  • Returning to school and interacting with peers can have positive benefits, but mental health should still be monitored.

Consult Your Paediatrician For Any Concern

Your children’s school-year health recommendations may be affected by the prevalence of COVID-19 in your area. If you have a child who is more susceptible to COVID-19 illness because of a medical condition, you should take extra precautions.

Get expert medical advice from our team of experienced pediatricians within 15 minutes or emergency-consultation for your child’s health and development. Sign up for Babynama’s care plans today to get unlimited access to chat with a pediatrician directly on WhatsApp to get answers to your child’s health-related queries and the best possible care. Babynama’s aim is to provide fastreliable, and quality healthcare support to parents. Be a part of Babynama today!