What To Do During Teething (Teething tips)

When will your child’s first teeth appear?

Can teething pain be relieved without medications?

Your kid is developing a lovely grin, but you despise (disheartened) seeing them in pain due to teething. Take a look at these calming natural remedies to help you smile and bear it.

When will your child’s first teeth appear?

The first teeth usually appear between 4 to 7 months of age. The upper or lower front teeth (central incisors) typically develop first, followed by the opposite front teeth.

What is teething?

Teething is the process through which a baby’s teeth come from his or her gums for the first time. It’s a challenging moment for both newborns and their parents.

Teething Signs and Symptoms in Your Baby

If your infant is around 6 months old (time varies), you may notice the following teething symptoms:

  • A minor increase in temperature (less than 101 F)
  • Angriness and weeping
  • changes in sleeping and eating habits
  • Diarrhea
  • Coughing
  • Gnawing or the desire to chew on hard objects
  • Gums are swollen and painful.
  • Pulling on their ear or rubbing their face
  • Putting their hands over their mouths
  • Drool a lot, which might lead to a rash on their face.

What causes my baby’s teething pain?

  • Teething pain is caused by the pressure of the erupting teeth against the gums and jawbone.
  • As the tooth pushes through the gum, it can cause inflammation, swelling, and tenderness.
  • The nerves in the gums and jaw can also be affected, causing pain and discomfort.

Teething Remedies Recommended by Pediatricians

Pediatricians recommend these teething remedies for soothing your baby’s gums:

  • Gently massage their gums with clean fingers.
  • Use frozen milk popsicles or refrigerated pacifiers/teething toys to numb the gums.
  • Chill fruits like apples, pears, or strawberries before giving them to your baby.
  • Use a cold washcloth on their gums.
  • Offer teething biscuits to babies aged 8-12 months, but keep their gums clean.

Remember, teething timing varies greatly, and every infant is different. Don’t be concerned if your child’s teeth don’t appear until later than this age. Consult a pediatrician for your baby concern. Get expert medical advice from our team of experienced pediatricians within 15 minutes or emergency-consultation for your child’s health and development. Sign up for Babynama’s care plans today to get unlimited access to chat with a pediatrician directly on WhatsApp to get answers to your child’s health-related queries and the best possible care. Babynama’s aim is to provide fastreliable, and quality healthcare support to parents. Be a part of Babynama today!