
Hypospadias In Infants

Did you know that the urethra is a tube that transports urine and sperm through the penis and out of the body?

Hypospadias is a congenital condition where the urethra’s exit hole at the penis’s tip is not formed properly, leading to urinary and sexual problems. Surgery can fix this condition in male babies as young as a few months old. In this blog, we will delve deeper into understanding hypospadias.

What Are Hypospadias?

Hypospadias is a congenital abnormality in which the urethra fails to grow correctly in the penis of an infant. The urethra is the tube that transports urine and sperm from the body via the penis.

The treatment stops problems from happening in the future, like having to urinate while sitting down or having sexual problems.

Types of Hypospadias

The location of the urethral orifice describes the type of urethra.

  • **Subcoronal – **Near the head of the penis
  • **Midshaf – **Along the penis shaft
  • Penoscrotal – The connection between the penis and the scrotum.

What effect does hypospadias have on the penis?

The urethra begins as an open tube during the early stages of a baby’s development. The tube closes as the fetus develops before birth—the aperture of the urethra where sperm and urine leave is known as the meatus. Commonly, the meatus is located at the penis’s tip.

In infants with hypospadias, the meatus develops in an abnormal place. For example, it could be on the penis shaft or scrotum instead of the penis tip.

How widespread is hypospadias?

Hypospadias is prevalent. Approximately one in 250 to 300 newborn men is affected. The rate appears to be increasing in Western societies, possibly due to the increased use of poisons (harmful substances) and pesticides.

What Causes Hypospadias?

Researchers have not identified the specific cause of hypospadias, but it appears to have a genetic component, with affected children more likely to have affected fathers and brothers.

The condition arises during pregnancy, with the urethral defect occurring between weeks 9 and 12 of gestation.

Certain aspects of the mother can enhance the likelihood that a child will be born with hypospadias, including

  • If you are over 35 years old,
  • have been exposed to insecticides
  • Smoking
  • Using fertility therapy to become pregnant (possibly due to progesterone exposure during fertilization)
  • Utilize additional hormones prior to or throughout pregnancy.

What Symptoms Are Associated With Hypospadias?

Symptoms of hypospadias in children include-

  • **Chordee: **The penis is sloping downward.
  • Undescended testicle: In approximately 10% of cases, one of the testicles does not descend completely into the scrotum.
  • Incomplete foreskin: The skin covering the head of the penis is underdeveloped. Hypospadias infants should not be circumcised.
  • Abnormal urination occurs when urine is not removed in a straight line.


Usually, this disease is diagnosed shortly after birth. As part of the routine newborn assessment, hypospadias is evaluated.

The issue is readily apparent: the penis’s hole is in the wrong location. Frequently, the foreskin is unformed, leaving the penis bare.

The pediatrician will refer you to a pediatric urologist for therapy if they identify hypospadias. Repair of hypospadias can correct the issue.


  • Surgery is the preferred treatment option
  • Advanced surgical techniques allow for correction at a younger age
  • Surgical procedure includes aligning the penis shaft, constructing a new urethra, placing the entrance of the urethra at the apex of the penis, and reconstructing the foreskin
  • Objective of hypospadias repair is a straight penis with the urethra in the correct location at the tip of the penis
  • Surgery is typically performed between six and twelve months of age to make it easier to care for the surgical site and safer for the child


Hypospadias is a birth defect that affects the growth of the urethra in a male infant’s penis, which can cause urinary and sexual dysfunction. However, surgery can correct it by creating a straight penis with the urethra in the proper location, preventing future complications.

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