How to Sleep Train a Baby

Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine: Set a specific time when the baby should go to sleep. Plan activities leading up to bedtime accordingly, such as reading a book or giving a warm bath, to help the baby’s circadian rhythm adjust and signal that it’s time to sleep.

Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment:

  • Ensure the baby’s bedding is comfortable and safe.
  • Avoid using any sharp or uncomfortable materials.
  • The room should have dim lighting to create a calming atmosphere conducive to sleep hygiene.

Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule: A regular sleep and nap schedule helps in developing the baby’s internal body clock. This makes it easier for them to differentiate between day and night.

Encourage Self-Soothing: Put the baby to sleep when they show sleep cues like rubbing their eyes or yawning but are still drowsy. Avoid letting them fall completely asleep in your arms. This promotes self-soothing and helps them settle independently in their crib or bed.

Handle Night Wakings Calmly: If the baby wakes up at night, gently soothe them without picking them up unless necessary. Gradually encourage them to go back to sleep on their own.

Adjust the Baby’s Position Carefully: If the baby rolls slightly or is not in a comfortable position, gently adjust them while keeping the environment soothing.

Gradually Increase Awake Time During the Day: Increase the baby’s activity during the day to help them sleep better at night. Optimize their nap schedule and ensure they aren’t over-tired, which can lead to sleep regression.


By focusing on these sleep-related strategies, you can establish healthy sleep hygiene for your baby and help them develop consistent sleeping patterns.