Science Facts: Children From Being Abused & Neglected

Did you know that about 14% of the population reports childhood emotional abuse or neglect?

Neglecting a child’s emotional well-being can cause long-term effects on brain development, leading to structural changes that may impact emotional well-being, substance abuse, and mental health.

Let’s explore scientific facts about the impact of abuse and neglect on children’s brains.

What Are Child Abuse & Neglect?

Child abuse and neglect are serious public health concerns and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) that can have long-term consequences on a child’s health, opportunities, and well-being. Parental abuse and neglect by those in custodial roles cause trauma and potential harm to children under 18.

Forms of Physical Abuse

  • Intentional use of physical force that results in physical harm
  • Forms of physical force can include slapping, kicking, shaking, or burning.

Forms of Emotional Abuse

  • Abusive behavior that harms a child’s self-esteem or emotional well-being
  • Examples of abusive behavior include name-calling, shaming, rejection, withholding love, and threatening.

Forms of Neglect

  • Basic physical and emotional needs that are unmet, such as adequate food, shelter, education, clothing, and access to medical care.

Other Forms of Emotional Abuse

  • Insults, slurs, or profanity directed at children
  • Physical threats to harm the child
  • Frightening or terrorizing the child.

It’s crucial to recognize the signs of child abuse and neglect and take action to protect children. Seeking help and support from trained professionals can prevent long-term negative consequences and promote healing and well-being for affected children.

Abuse’s Effects On The Structure Of The Brain

  • Abuse during childhood’s rapid brain development can impact brain function in adulthood.
  • The timing and duration of abuse can affect long-term effects on the brain.
  • MRI research has identified differences in 9 brain regions between trauma survivors and non-survivors who experienced abuse or neglect as children.
  • Areas of the brain responsible for controlling emotions, impulses, self-awareness, and cognition are particularly affected.
  • Childhood abuse or neglect survivors are more likely to develop mental health issues in adulthood.

Effects On Brain Structure

Abuse and neglect when a child is young can hurt brain development in many ways. Included among these are-

  • The corpus callosum, which links the cortical (motor, sensory, and cognitive) functions of the two sides of the brain, has shrunk.
  • The hippocampus, a vital part of the brain for memory and learning, has been reduced.
  • The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which is part of the stress response, has many problems.
  • Less tissue in the prefrontal cortex affects behavior, emotional balance, and the ability to understand things.
  • Hyperactivity in the amygdala can be caused by the fact that it is in charge of processing emotions and deciding how we react to situations that could be stressful or hard.
  • A decreased volume in the cerebellum can lead to difficulties with motor skills and coordination.

Behavioral, Emotional, & Social Function Effects

Childhood abuse can affect a child’s behavior, emotional regulation, and social functioning because it alters the structure and chemical function of the brain. These potential outcomes include-

  • a tendency to develop a mental health condition
  • decreased ability to process positive feedback
  • Frequent or continuous fearful feelings
  • increasingly find social situations challenging
  • Learning challenges
  • Not reaching developmental standards on time
  • Remaining on high alert at all times, no matter what the situation

Untreated, these effects can develop gradually. Abused children may struggle with relationships or avoid them.

This result may have something to do with attachment theory, which says that our early relationships with our parents affect how we relate to other people as adults. For example, when a child is emotionally abused or neglected, they are less likely to form a secure attachment with their parents. This can affect how they see themselves and others in the long run.

Adults who were abused or neglected emotionally as children may also-

  • A sense of despondency
  • Involuntary negative thoughts
  • Issues of compatibility with stressors
  • Lack of emotional control
  • low self-esteem

Long-Term Effects Of Child Abuse & Ignoring Depending Factors

The long-term consequences of childhood abuse or completely ignoring it depend on several factors.

  • How frequently does the abuse occur?
  • The child’s age at the time of the abuse
  • Who was the offender?
  • A child’s access to a trustworthy, loving adult
  • Duration of the mistreatment
  • If there were any interventions to stop the abuse,
  • The severity and nature of the abuse
  • Other personal factors


To treat childhood abuse and neglect, individualized psychiatric and behavioral therapies are recommended, which may include medication if necessary. Effective treatments include:

  • Exposure therapy – gradually facing and learning to control fear-inducing situations to improve neuronal connections between brain regions.
  • Family counseling – strengthening family bonds and creating a positive home environment to improve HPA axis function and stress response.
  • Mindfulness-based therapy – understanding and regulating thoughts and emotions to improve stress resistance by strengthening neural connections in different parts of the brain.
  • Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) – learning new coping mechanisms for stress and trauma, which may reduce amygdala hyperactivity.

Important Points To Be Considered

Failure to meet a child’s emotional needs is considered emotional neglect. Therefore provide your warm to your child with the following tips-

  • Establish a close-knit family
  • Have faith in the child
  • Make the child feel special or important
  • Provide support
  • Wish for the success of the child

Children who suffer from abuse and neglect can face lasting consequences that can affect their brain development, mental health, and relationships. Therefore, it is essential to comprehend these effects to develop effective interventions to help them and prevent further harm.

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