Easy Banana Puree Recipe for Your Baby

When transitioning babies to solid foods, many parents opt for bananas due to their sweetness and ease of consumption. Pediatricians often suggest starting with bananas when preparing purees for infants. Let’s explore the delightful and tasty banana mash recipe and its additional details.

Banana Mash Recipe


  • Mashed Banana: 1/2 Cup
  • Mother’s Milk: 2 Teaspoons


  • Select ripe bananas with firm, smooth skins for making banana mash.
  • Peel the bananas, halve them, and remove the pits. Trimming the ends of the bananas is advisable.
  • Slice or chop the peeled bananas on a cutting board.
  • Mash the banana thoroughly with a spoon or fork, ensuring there are no lumps to prevent choking.
  • Add milk to the mashed banana. Breast milk, cow’s milk, or water can be used. Only introduce cow’s milk if it has been previously served without any allergic reactions.
  • Blend the banana and milk mixture into a smooth puree using a clean blender jar or an immersion blender.
  • Before serving, stir well to create a smooth, mushy banana mash that your baby can easily slurp and enjoy.
  • The pureed bananas are now ready to serve. Serve on a plate with a spoon to your baby. Remember, bananas oxidize quickly and turn black, so avoid delayed serving.

Banana Mash for Babies: Helpful Dos and Don’ts

Bananas are a favored first fruit for mothers introducing their babies to solid foods during the weaning process. Delicious and easy to mash, bananas are ideal for infants. Banana mash is a popular choice due to its sweetness and appeal to most babies. When preparing banana mash, it’s important to adhere to the following guidelines:


  • Use clean bowls, spoons, and forks for mixing and serving.
  • Breast milk is recommended for making banana mash. Consult your pediatrician before using cow’s milk.
  • Ensure the banana mash is smooth and free of lumps by using a fork to mash it thoroughly.
  • Banana mash for babies should be made smooth and easy to swallow with 2 tablespoons of milk.
  • However, avoid using high-fat milk before seven months, as advised by doctors.
  • Allow your baby to explore the texture and flavor of purees initially. If the baby enjoys it, they will show signs of wanting more.
  • Feeding your baby provides an opportunity for quality bonding time.
  • Use fresh, peeled bananas only to prevent oxidation and discoloration.


  • Avoid using underripe or overripe bananas. Underripe bananas are hard to chew, while overripe ones have a sour taste and unpleasant smell. Look for yellow-colored bananas, indicating ripeness.
  • Refrain from overfeeding. Offer food to your baby when they indicate hunger. Babies typically compensate for missed meals by eating more later.
  • If your baby has a cold or cough, refrain from feeding them banana mash.

Bananas offer quick energy for growing babies and are recommended for inclusion in baby food. If a baby encounters difficulties with breastfeeding, cow’s milk can be a suitable alternative, but it’s important to test it first. For a 7-month-old baby, it’s advisable to test banana mash before regular consumption. Transitioning to thicker purees can occur after nine months.

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