Baby led weaning

Baby Led Weaning (BLW)

you might be wondering about the best approach to introducing solid foods to your baby. Baby-led weaning (BLW) is a popular method that allows babies to explore and choose their own foods, promoting independence and self-regulation. Here are some key points to keep in mind if you are considering BLW for your baby:

Benefits of BLW:

  • BLW allows babies to regulate their own food intake, which promotes healthy weight gain
  • Encourages independence and self-regulation in babies
  • Helps babies develop fine motor skills
  • Improves oral hygiene by promoting chewing and saliva production
  • Can make mealtimes more enjoyable for both parents and children

Important considerations for BLW:

  • Wait until your baby can sit up on their own, grasp food, and bring it to their mouth before starting BLW.
  • Be aware of the risks of choking and avoid foods that are choking hazards
  • Educate yourself on safe feeding practices and ensure your baby is getting a balanced and nutritious diet
  • BLW can be messy, so be prepared for some clean-up
  • It can be difficult to track how much your baby is eating with BLW, so keep an eye on their growth and development
  • Certain nutrients may be less available with BLW, so make sure your baby is getting a variety of foods to meet their nutritional needs

Tips for a successful BLW experience:

  • Start around 6 months when your baby can sit up on their own and has improved hand-eye coordination
  • Offer soft fruits, cooked vegetables, protein sources like eggs or fish, and whole grains like pasta or bread as first foods
  • Avoid foods that pose a choking hazard, as well as allergen-inducing foods and processed, unhealthy foods
  • Make foods easy to hold and use a big bib to catch any mess
  • Encourage playfulness during mealtimes by letting your baby explore their food and be patient as your baby gets used to eating solid foods.


BLW can be a fun way to introduce solid foods to babies, but consult with your pediatrician first to be aware of potential risks.

BLW can be a fun way to introduce solid foods to babies. To learn all about BLW and to become a pro at baby nutrition, you can join our Weaning Workshop with experts from here.

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